Friday, May 3, 2013

positive change

Its 2pm on a friday midday afternoon.

Awoke from my slumber, feeling so drained after my gym session today. The tiredness is definitely a punishment for cheating on my gym sessions (not going when I'm lazy to wake up at 6am) and junk food snacking over the past three days :< 

Nowadays, my days pass in a relatively uneventful (but meaningful) manner. 6am: Wake up, brush teeth, get ready school stuff. The part I hate most-- packing toiletries, towels, fresh clothing in ziplock bags. 6.30am: Spend 15 minutes in silence walking to school with/ without friends. Nobody wants to talk in the morning.. 7am: *bubbling with excitement cos this is the favourite part of the day* GYM with three good friends :) 9am: Washed up, head to the study rooms, all ready for a day of mugging ahead. 

Its quite fortunate that I now learn to appreciate these little things in life-- that "living it up" isn't about spending loads on good food, going to the movies, buying things impulsively, partying and splurging and drinking your life away, waking up at midday. Perhaps when I go back to Singapore I will relapse back into my bad bad cycle of unhealthy "student life", but for now I can say that I'm quite happy with my daily routine. 

It actually amazes me about how motivated I am to gym nowadays. Being blessed with high metabolism, I never really found the need to workout (except for recently when my body seems to be taking the toll from all the fattening food that I consume). I visit the gym irregularly, only when I felt like it, or on so-called "fat" days. Furthermore, I never ever wake up earlier than 9am of my own accord. Even though I still need an alarm clock to wake me up at 6am, I feel that its less of a chore than if I were to wake up at 10 last semester. 

So my point really is, to chart down this very enlightening moment I have in the middle of my study session. That I actually enjoy gymming, and I see beyond "losing weight", being "toned" or "keeping fit". I do admit that losing weight was the first thing that started me on this gym and study routine, but my perspectives have really changed ever since. More often than not during my gym sessions, I forget about my initial aim which was to regain my thigh gap, and I find myself encouraging myself with a different kind of tone. Instead of telling myself something negative like, "If you don't complete this 5km, you are so fat. You will never see your thigh gap" I start to think positive thoughts like "Just press on, another few hundred metres, you're almost there". I start to worry more about increasing my speed on the treadmill and improving myself rather than finishing a said workout and just heck and be done with it. I start to think of more workouts in my free time and how I can improve my existing workouts to be more effective. I learnt to embrace the calluses on my palms as a sign of my improvement and success rather than stop doing pull ups and weights to get rid of them. Its a positive change that I bring to myself, which I hope I can bring over to other aspects of my life too :)

And for all these, I'm thankful to the friends who have motivated me to gym. Friends who from the start, warmly welcomed me to join their gymming routine and made me feel bad not to go (at the start). And oddly enough, thankful to myself, to this change that I suddenly decided to effect on myself. To give up my deliciously unhealthy lifestyle. For pressing on even when I was aching all over, even when I injured my knee. 

I have finally seen the "results" of my efforts --no, not the elusive thigh gap-- in so many intangible ways. I can say that I'm truly addicted and looking forward to my next gym session tomorrow. :)

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